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VM Finance Group


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AVENDI спечели най-престижната награда „ПАРТНЬОР НА ГОДИНАТА“ на DIAGEO за 2024-та

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Eкипът на Avendi получи най-престижна награда на DIAGEO за 2024-та – "Партньор на годината". За трети път компанията печели това почетно отличие, което се присъжда на най-успешния партньор на Diageo на "Годишната партньорска конференция" за регион Източна Европа, която включва повече от 30 държави от  Централна, Източна Европа и Азия.

Престижното корпоративно отличие „Партньор на годината“ се връчва за открояващото се холистично представяне на партньора, което обхваща най-добре основните стълба на Diageo: изключителни дългосрочни взаимоотношения, цялостно представяне, устойчиви финансови резултати, бизнес развитие, култура и зрялост на партньора. 

Наградата се дава чрез номинация и решение на топ мениджмънта на Diageo. За партньорите на Diageo да получат тази награда е най-голямото отличие, а тя е и най-строго пазената тайна на събитието, което тази година се проведе в слънчевия Сплит, Хърватска.

Екипът на Avendi e изключително горд за признанието, защото то е и „заявка за стратегическо партньорство и инвестиции в бъдещето“, по думите на Александра Мирчева, Изпълнителен директор на VM Finance Group. „Това признание идва в най-правилния момент за нас, в годината, в която VM Finance Group навършва 30 години на пазара. Наградата е за хората в компанията и екипите, които притежават смелост, мечти и доставят резултати“. 

Avendi печели наградата за пръв път през 2006-та г. и става първата наградена компания в региона. През 2011-та й се връчва повторно, и отново е първата, на която се присъжда за втори път.  А тази година Аvendi е първата компания, на която е присъдена за трети път.

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Отличия за Avendi и Delion от Progressive Awards

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Avendi и Delion, част от VM Finance Group, спечелиха престижни отличия в шестото издание на PROGRESSIVE AWARDS, организирани от Progressive Magazine Bulgaria. 

Avendi грабна статуетката за "Най-добър дистрибутор".  А Delion завоюва челното място в категория “Най-добър нов продукт алкохол” за Beluga Epicure by Lalique. 

Този успех затвърждава нашата лидерска позиция на пазара и подчертава стремежа ни да бъдем едни от най-добрите. Нашият успех е резултат от неуморната работа и отдаденост на целия ни екип, както и на нашите партньори.

Колегите от Avendi и Delion печелят в тазгодишната надпревара на шестото издание на PROGRESSIVE AWARDS, сред общо 78 финалисти в 15 категории, в гласуване на общо 12 500 мениджъри от бързооборотния сектор, които получиха право да се включат.

Наградите, които отличават най-добрите търговци, продукти, инициативи и политики за устойчивост се проведоха на 6 юни.

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България е новият любим пазар на Johnnie Walker Black Label

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Най-продаваната и най-разпознаваема марка уиски в света посочи България като пазара с най-добро представяне за Европа, Близкия Изток и Африка за 2023-та година.

Johnnie Walker Black Label - луксозен бленд от уискита, отлежавали най-малко 12 години, донесе на страната ни награда от годишната конференция на Diageo в Европа. Компанията-собственик на бранда държи 40% от световното производство на шотландско уиски, развива общо 24 марки уиски и оперира в 132 точки по света. Техен партньор за България е Avendi, част от VM Finance  - компания с над 20 години опит, извоювала лидерски позиции в дистрибуцията и маркетинга на водещи световни брандове. 

Признанието на Diageo е поредно потвърждение, че големи световни корпорации припознават Avendi като свой ключов партньор.

Компанията представлява на местния пазар както брандовете на Diageo, така и на LVMH, Proximo, Monin, Nestlé Waters, Borges, Kraft Heinz, Artsana и други.

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Delion and A Team create art rated as Best Practice by William Grant & Sons' global team

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In 2021, the Glenfiddich brand created The Grande Composition - a series of collaborations with artists in 19 countries around the world, including Bulgaria, South Africa, Nigeria, Poland, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Israel and the UAE. They must transform and dress Glenfiddich's exquisite packaging into an iconic work of art for each country. In doing so, Glenfiddich creates a global collection of masterpieces that interweave the brand's rich history with local culture, brought to life through the style of each individual artist.

Delion, which represents the emblematic brand in Bulgaria, trusted a team of professionals from the A Team for the creative proposal for the Bulgarian market. Their mission is to present the Bulgarian tradition through a modern artistic reading of Glagolitic.

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Avendi and A Team with an award from Moët Hennessy

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This year, during the European distributor meeting of Moet Hennessy, Central and Eastern Europe region, a total of 8 awards were presented in 8 different categories.

30 countries and 1,700 projects participated in the competition, with two finalists in each category reaching the final.

Bulgaria, represented by Avendi, took part in the Best E-Retail Push category with the Launch Chandon Garden Spritz & Seewines project, for which they partnered with A Team. In the final we were opposed by Estonia, but the prize was won by Avendi. Thus, the Avendi team once again proved that it is part of the new trends worldwide.

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Delion with recognition from Progressive Awards

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Delion was recognized for their team's work by the prestigious annual Progressive Awards. J.J. Whitley Gin won an award in the Best New Product Alcohol category.

The winners were awarded after a 3-month vote conducted among managers of companies from the fast-moving industry. Voters had to choose one of each finalist in the 13 categories. A total of 12,500 emails with a unique voting link were sent each week between June 28-September 30.

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A Team with an award for "World Class Bulgaria 2017"

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The most authoritative contest for effectiveness in advertising - Effie Bulgaria, awarded A Team for their innovative approach in implementing the "World Class Bulgaria 2017" campaign. The agency won a bronze award at the official awards ceremony in Sofia.

A Team participated for the first time in the competition and won a prize. "We entered the most contested category, Merchandise, and after passing the initial sieve, we competed with very large companies with serious and heavy marketing budgets. In fact, we were the most boutique and small in scale. We are very happy that our efforts have been noticed " commented Hristina Vancheva, managing director of A Team.

The campaign for which the agency was awarded was realized for Avendi. "Diageo Reserve World Class Bulgaria 2017" is the Bulgarian edition of the most prestigious world competition for bartending skills. Bulgaria participated in it for the third year. In its campaign to promote the event, A Team took a different approach by creating a reality show for the finalists, broadcasted only on digital channels.

The Effie Bulgaria Awards are organized by the Bulgarian Association of Communication Agencies (BACA) and this year they have their tenth anniversary. The jury consists of representatives of advertisers, advertising agencies, media, research agencies, independent experts. The selection and number of jury members guarantees both high professionalism and expertise in various fields necessary to evaluate the applications, as well as objectivity and impartiality of the evaluations.

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Avendi with two awards from Diageo

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Last week, a Diageo partner conference was held in Bratislava, where the Avendi team received awards in 2 categories (being nominated in 3 more) out of a total of 7 (Premium core, Reserve, On-trade, RTC, Capability, Innovations, M&E):

- Excellence in Innovations (Achievements in Innovations) – for the excellent results Avendi achieved with Johnnie Walker Red Rye Finnish in all channels – On-trade, Off-trade, KA, digital, BTL.

- Best progress in Measurement and Evaluation (Best progress in measurement and evaluation of sales and marketing activities) - the company received this award for the second time in a row, which is a source of pride, as it is in an area that is recognized by them and Diageo as key, namely – Efficiency.

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Avendi with "TRUE LEADERS" award

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For the third year in a row, the TRUE LEADERS initiative of ICAP Bulgaria awards 75 Bulgarian companies that simultaneously meet criteria for profit, increase in staff, credit stability and a leading position in the sector of activity. One of the awarded companies this year is Avendi.

ICAP Bulgaria, part of the ICAP Group - the largest Group for business information services in Southeast Europe, for the third year in a row honors the leading companies in Bulgaria with the "TRUE LEADERS" awards. The event took place on December 8, 2015, in the Rainbow Plaza hall, Sofia, with the participation of more than 200 representatives of senior management of leading Bulgarian and international companies, as well as representatives of chambers of commerce and state institutions.

The "TRUE LEADERS" institution awarded for the third time in Bulgaria all companies that meet several measurable and objective criteria at the same time, without the intervention of the subjective opinion of a jury or the results of a public survey. Awarded companies meet the following criteria:

·       Among the 300 most profitable companies by EBITDA for 2014
·       Increased the number of their staff (2014 vs. 2013)
·       With a high credit score (ICAP Credit Score B2-A1)
·       A leader in their sector

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Avendi is the 2014 HiPP Distributor of the Year

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On October 13, at an official ceremony in the Albertina Museum, located in the Archduke Albert's Palace in the center of Vienna, Avendi was awarded the "Distributor of the Year" prize for the third time by their long-time partner and the largest producer of BIO baby food in the world – HiPP.

The award has been presented for four years, with the winner being announced among 30 distribution companies from Central, Eastern Europe and Asia, based on overall performance in three key categories - "Most reliable Customer", "Best Performance in Key Categories" and "Best Sales Increase 2014”.

In addition to the grand prize, Avendi also won first place in the "Best Performance in Key Categories" category.

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